
Mudi Mischling | Female | born Februar 2016 | bei ACA seit Juni 2021
Short description

Short description

Race: Mudi Mischling
Age: born Februar 2016
Full grown about: 46 cm und 18 kg
Gender: Female
Character: menschenbezogen, anhänglich, treu, bewegungsfreudig, intelligent, anfangs schüchtern
Castrated: ja
Chipped: ja
Medical Care: Geimpft, entwurmt und entfloht.
Origin/Careplace: Ungarn / Care Station Ungarn
We would like to thank the following donors:

We would like to thank the following donors:

Iris&Amira, Ivanka Brigitte B., Nadine F., Etienne H., Josef Peter G.

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Claudia Böhm
+43 676 44 666 43
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